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This command displays internal dGE icons in graphical mode.  Standard
icons are resident in dGE and can be displayed at any time by simply
specifying the internal icon number.

DRAW [STD] [STANDARD] ICON <icon> AT <Pos1>,<Pos2>

[STANDARD] or [STD] is specified to indicate that icons are to be
  selected from the standard resident dGE icons.
<icon> is the icon number to be drawn from 0 to 7.
<Pos1> is the x screen coordinate from 0 to 24.
<Pos2> is the y screen coordinate from 0 to 79.
[<VECTOR>] sets the origin in length/angle format or "vector" mode.
  The default origin is cartesion or "x/y" mode.
[<XOR>] sets the xor mode.

DRAW [STANDARD] [STD] ICON <icon> AT <Pos1>,<Pos2>

DRAW STD ICON 7 AT 10,20                  // display current icon # 7

         Purpose: Display one of eight standard dGE icons
 Mapped Function: __DrawStdIcon() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: drawicon()
   Other GL UDFs: __DgeColor()
System variables: None.
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __DrawStdIcon()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson